Areas for support from the Norway Grants in the period 2014–2021
1. Improvement of Environmental Status in Ecosystems
- implementation of pilot and innovative projects on improvement of environmental status in ecosystems including application of results of accomplished research projects into practice;
- small-scale measures to improve environmental status in ecosystems (to enhance the stability of the landscape to increase biodiversity in ecosystems) in sites outside national protected areas;
- implementation of measures focused on protection of endangered species of animals and plants (Red listed);
- public awareness raising of environmental problems in ecosystems.
2. Reduction of Adverse Human Activities on Air Quality
- implementation of site monitoring in regions to identify the main sources of air pollution and development of Action plans;
- implementation of selected measures from the adopted Action Plan(s) to improve air quality in regions;
- public awareness raising and training on air pollution and implementation of Action plans in regions;
- establishment of a monitoring network to identify levels of air pollution caused by local heating in some regions;
- public awareness raising on proper way of heating households, suitable types of fuels and the necessary heating maintenance.
3. Reduction of Adverse Human Activities on Water Quality
- improvement of monitoring through projects to acquire adequate equipment and analytical methods (with regard to Directive 2008/105/EC);
- implementation of pilot or demonstration projects to reduce pharmaceutical pollution in selected “hot spots” sources;
- public awareness raising on pharmaceutical pollution and local or regional information campaign to raise general public awareness and capacity building measures regarding emerging pollutants.
4. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- development of the new local/regional Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies/Plans;
- implementation of green measures from existing local or regional Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies/Plans;
- public awareness raising on global climate change, mitigation and adaptation issues, especially at local or regional level.
5. Bilateral ambitions on enhancing mutual cooperation between partners and entities from Norway and the Czech Republic supported from the Bilateral Fund
Schedule of Calls